11 Aug Simplify Deployment Complexities & Security for Industrial IoT
Thursday, August 24, 2017 at 11:30 AM
How do you mass deploy, remotely access and manage all your systems at scale? How do you run analytics at the edge to the cloud? What about data security as IoT bridges IT + OT? Is there a better way to deploy IoT and protect the IT side of the enterprise data?
Join this interactive lunch and learn from IoT thought leaders at Intelligent Buildings, IoTium, Kodaro in a panel as they discuss security practices for Industrial IoT, obtain use cases on how it’s being deployed today and learn about new technologies that are available today to implement robust, end-to-end protection for Industrials IoT.
- Hear different perspectives about the promises of IoT and the challenges of making it a reality.
- Obtain security best practices on a 7×24 remote connectivity and management of IoT systems and network.
- Learn about new technologies in the IoT space.
Presentation Abstract
2016 was the year for IoT proof-of-concepts. Early adopters are coming to the realization of the complexities involved in a scalable mass deployment of Industrial IoT. These issues include deployment complexities, security issues starting from hardware root of trust to OS security to network security to cloud security and application vulnerabilities, and finally issues related to extensibility – the ability to future-proof oneself so as to be able to add additional functionality at the edge once the solution is deployed.

Ron’s Bio
Ron Victor is a Silicon-Valley based technology entrepreneur with 20 years of experience and expertise launching new ventures at start-ups and fortune 1000 technology companies. His latest venture is IoTium (www.iotium.io), a Silicon Valley start-up that provides a secure, cloud-managed, easy-to-deploy software-defined network infrastructure for all IoT verticals. IoTium’s secure, horizontal, dynamically-configurable and scalable IoT network infrastructure solution significantly reduces the complexities for any IoT deployment including smart cities, smart grids, building automation, energy installations, industrial automation, transportation and more.
Brian’s Bio
Brian Turner, LEED-AP BD&C, is President of Controlco, a leading-edge building automation solution provider and enterprise system integration firm. He provides hands-on expertise to architects, engineers, and building owners to design and implement integrated building systems.
Fred’s Bio
Fred Gordy is Director of Cyber Security, Building & Facility Control Systems for the Intelligent Buildings and is responsible for the technology strategy and cyber security for control systems. Fred has focused on control system cyber security for the past several years and has built a network of cybersecurity professionals to grow knowledge for control systems at large. Fred’s portfolio includes projects military bases, internet data centers, national retail chains, an international media company, REIT’s, and research labs to name a few. Fred has contributed and/or been featured in the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Fox, HPAC Engineering, Retrofit Magazine, Building Context, Healthcare Facilities Today, and BOMA FacilitiesNet.
Who Should Attend
The lunch and learn is designed for Systems Integrators, Consulting Engineers, Facility Management, Building Operators.