29 Apr The Accelerator as the First Internet of Things Ecosystem

Episode 52
It’s a symbiotic relationship – the big corporation, in search for that innovative edge, and the small startup, in search for support to get their ideas off the ground. Both have what the other needs – desperately. Coming together they form one type of ecosystem. To be players, all IoT companies – big and small – must be part of one or more ecosystems. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with the folks at TechrIot about their approach of bringing IoT companies together.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with the folks at TechrIot about their approach of bringing IoT companies together.
Vic Ahmed, Suzy Gutierrez and Jake Rishavy are co-founders of TechrIot and Mathew James Bailey is co-inventor and market validation lead.
In IoT no one company can do it all. Why? Because to deliver outcomes, not just point solutions, requires multiple companies to come together. What brings companies together technically are called platforms. What brings companies together for commerce are called ecosystems. Startups and big corporations come together to form one such ecosystem – one in which innovation is traded for stability and tradition.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The accelerator ecosystem – why it’s important and how it’s much bigger than just matchmaking.
- What’s in it for the large corporations?
- What’s in it for the small startups?
- The shift toward collaboration and how the lean startup methodology plays a key role.
- The four categories of success for every IoT startup.
- Ways for startups to crack the data science drought.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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