30 Jun Driverless Cars – How IoT Cars Work and Why They’re Coming Fast

Episode 57
Driverless cars, or autonomous vehicles, are the ultimate consumer IoT product. They represent the state of the art in sensors, apps and analytics but they share the same DNA as say, a smart lock. Whatever’s under the hood, driverless cars will save lives, save time and save fuel.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How much and why the US government is investing in driverless cars in order to, in their words, “hasten this revolution”.
- How driverless cars will save lives, save time and save fuel and the fourth reason that I think should be on the list.
- A breakdown of driverless car navigation tech within an IoT framework of the software-defined product, hardware-defined product, external systems and network fabric.
- The four main navigation sensors used in driverless cars.
- How predictive analytics are done in real time in the driverless car’s fog.
- Number of lives lost each year due to traffic accidents caused by human errors.
- How much time driverless cars will save.
- How much fuel driverless cars will save.
Mentioned in this Episode and other Useful Links
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