21 Oct Bruce Sinclair’s Opening Keynote at IoT Tech Expo 2016

Episode 69
Listen to this episode with Bruce Sinclair which is a recording of his opening keynote address at IoT Expo North America 2016. This speech, entitled, Smart Product or Connected Product or Internet Product, contrasts the different product categories. He also speaks about how to use value modeling to quantify an Internet product’s value proposition and how the Internet product relates to platforms, ecosystems and ultimately the outcome economy.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The difference between smart products, connected products and Internet products, and why these labels matter.
- A new IoT architectural view, focused on value.
- Value modeling – the methodology of quantifying value in an Internet product.
- IoT’s killer app.
- The relationship between the Internet product, platforms, ecosystems and outcomes.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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