29 Mar A Good Bed, Sensible Shoes and the Art of the IoT Pivot

Episode 102
Over the years now, I’ve been involved in the development of tens of IoT initiatives with my clients and there is only one thing they all have in common… Every one of them pivoted. And I don’t mean little pivots, I mean 180-degree pivots. The lesson here is to pivot fast and pivot early otherwise there’s a good chance you’re not going to make it out of Pilot Purgatory. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Phil Regenie about his early pivot and the lessons learn in taking his Senior care product to the pilot stage.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Phil Regenie about his early pivot and the lessons learn in taking his Senior care product to the pilot stage.
Phil is the Founder and CEO of Zanthion where he is responsible for the company’s vision for senior care, managing sales, business development and technology. He has over 35 years’ experience as a tech executive and entrepreneur with executive roles in enterprise design, product and business management.
The reality is that we and our clients or customers aren’t really sure what we want from IoT until we see it in action. It’s still too new. Although best practices are evolving, we need to put the product (or system) in front of customers, so it can be applied, tested and contextualized in their business and then changed as a result. The earlier the changes are made, the less expensive they are in terms of capital, labor and time. Don’t follow this advice and risk not being able to fund taking it to scale. Don’t follow this advice and risk becoming a statistic of yet another IoT company that wasn’t able to get out of Prototype or Pilot Purgatory. At this early stage in the evolution of IoT, there are no stock formulas, so they have to be derived from scratch, each and every time.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The 180-degree pivot Phil’s company needed to make.
- Differences between a messaging platform and an IoT platform.
- How much security should be put into a product.
- The importance of analysing the business models of the technology components you are going to buy – comparing pilot costs with scaling costs.
- Sensor selection and its relationship to data science.
- A practical approach to analytics and transitioning to AI.
- Carefully choosing and using opensource software, middleware and hardware.
- The unexpected challenges faced before going to scale.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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