19 Apr AI & IoT – A Marriage Made in Data

Episode 105
When talking AI in IoT what we’re really talking about is machine learning in IoT, and the one thing machine learning needs above all else, is data. Lot’s and lots of data. Structured IoT data, when piped in properly can be transformed and loaded efficiently for machine learning to create beautiful, and more important, accurate models. In this episode of the IoT show I speak with Anand Rao about the symbiotic relationship between AI and IoT.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Anand Rao about the symbiotic relationship between AI and IoT.
Anand is the Global Artificial Intelligence Lead for PwC. He has over 30 years’ experience in building advanced analytics and artificial intelligence systems and advising clients on digital and AI strategies, customer experience, marketing, and operations.
AI improves IoT by creating machine learning models that in some cases produce more accurate results, which in turn produces more value than their analytic model counterparts.
The value relationship goes the other way too. There are at least two ways IoT improves AI: After 60 years there are plenty of definitions of AI but one that resonates here is, a system that can sense, think and act within a specific environment. IoT provides a systematic and reproducible way to sense and act with technology. IoT measures its environment with sensors and external systems and affects that environment physically with actuators. The second way IoT improves AI is by providing, 24 hour a day, seven day a week data to create a living model that is continuously improved by reams and reams of data – the lifeblood of machine learning.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Training Top Gun pilots with AI.
- Explainable AI – what it is and why it’s important to business.
- How deep learning works – at a high-level.
- Three good ways to understand the differences between analytics and AI, including case studies.
- Why AI and IoT are a symbolic match: How AI improves IoT and how IoT improves AI.
- Why Reinforcement Learning is a perfect fit for models generated with IoT data.
- Three forms of capital created by using AI in IoT and how they can be used for competitive advantage.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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