19 May Nailing the Amorphous IoT Platform to the Wall

Episode 19
The “IoT Platform” is such an overloaded term that its meaning has been lost. Chipset manufacturers, sensor manufacturers, software vendors, consortia and system integrators all have their own definitions. But if you come at it from enough angles eventually a form takes shape and you realize it means what you want it to mean and what is important is not its definition but the context in which it’s used. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, Dr. Sean Lorenz and I go through the elusive IoT platform and why the business problem is always the place to start.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, Dr. Sean Lorenz and I go through the elusive IoT platform and why the business problem is always the place to start.
Sean is Director of IoT Market Strategy for Xively at LogMeIn. He holds a PhD in Cognitive & Neural Systems, and has shaped business models and product strategies in several emerging markets including IoT, robotics, and mTech.
More important than the definition of an IoT platform, we go through the components that make up an IoT product and the business options for acquiring them. We also start the necessary discussion on privacy. Often conflated with security, the IoT privacy debate is in its infancy and is a mine field of conflicting business objectives that will need to be addressed by every IoT product brand. More policy than tech, this will soon become a prominent discussion within this site.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How robots and IoT are similar and their relationship with cyber-physical systems and neuromorphic computing
- The different components of an IoT platform and product
- Advice for buying an IoT platform
- Why the business problem is always the first place to start
- What you get when you purchase an IoT platform and what you still need to buy
- Current business model for IoT platforms
- Privacy issues – non-tech and tech considerations
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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