08 Apr Data Analytics – Step 2 in IoT Deployments… and that’s OK

Episode 49
Listen to this analysis episode with Bruce Sinclair where he analyses the latest IoT news or practices from a business perspective. In this episode, Bruce recounts recent meetings with clients and discussions with IoT design houses to discuss the current state of the art in data analytics in IoT deployments.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Real world patterns Bruce is seeing when it comes to deploying analytics with IoT.
- Differences between an IoT product and a connected product or smart product or even a smart, connected product.
- How analytics is directly related to IoT value generation.
- The challenges of selling analytics as part of an IoT solution.
- A good solution for incorporating IoT analytics even when the customer doesn’t want it or when you don’t have the talent to develop it.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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