09 Jun Bruce Sinclair’s Opening Keynote at Insurance Nexus 2017

Episode 82
Listen to this episode with Bruce Sinclair which is a recording of his opening keynote address at Insurance Nexus 2017 in Chicago. This speech, entitled, The Internet of Things and Insurance, discusses the opportunities and threats that IoT tech presents to the Insurance industry and uses an example from Bruce’s family for illustrative purposes.
This speech, entitled, The Internet of Things and Insurance, discusses the opportunities and threats that IoT tech presents to the Insurance industry and uses an example from Bruce’s family for illustrative purposes.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The opportunities IoT tech provides to insurance underwriters.
- How IoT technology is threatening the Insurance industry.
- The pending disintermediation.
- IoT lessons from other industries applicable to the insurance industry.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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