Episode 72

When we buy an IoT Product for our home or our business, the advice is the same: read the fine print. There are plenty of technical obstacles that can be thrown in your way to stop you from having complete control over your data but sometimes the devil is in the details and these contractual details can have a major effect on your business.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with with Johannes Ernst about the IoT Overloads and the upcoming data showdown ...

Episode 71

Although kind of a sleeper, you’ve got to admit that Amazon has been coming on to be a force to be reckoned with in IoT. From their lightweight Dash button to the Amazon Echo to their heavyweight AWS services for IoT, this is the year Amazon has blipped on the Internet of Things radar.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) with John Rossman about his book, The Amazon Way on IoT, and what we can learn from this relentless giant ...

Using the Internet of Things in retail virtualizes the shopping environment so it can be analysed to increase the store’s efficiency in converting foot traffic into sales.
Watch this video (or read this transcript) to see Benoit Cousin discuss how IoT is improving the physical shopping experience and the store’s relationship with its customer ...

Whether the Internet product is a discrete product, a system or infrastructure, more often than not, its end nodes are sitting in the wild – just waiting for a bad actor to get their hands on them. This physical accessibility introduces a new category of attack surfaces that need to be protected against.
Watch this video (or read this transcript) to see Vera Sell discuss edge device vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things and the best practices to follow to secure them ...

Episode 70

This episode is a recording of the panel discussion and the panelists are Bob Wurdec from ilumi, Gene Han from Target, Upal Gasu from Nokia Growth Partners and JP Abello from Nielsen.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) where Bruce moderates the panel, Show Me the Money – Creating Value from Connecting Things at the Smart Home Summit 2016 ...

Yeah, data analytics can be complicated, but its application doesn’t need to be. Take discrete manufacturing for example. There’s lots of hype around more advanced analytic applications like predictive maintenance but that’s running before you even know how to walk. I know it doesn’t sound as sexy, but let’s start with operational efficiency.
Watch this video (or read this transcript) to see William Sobel discuss data analytics in manufacturing and why to start easy before tackling sexy predictive maintenance ...

Episode 69

This speech, entitled, Smart Product or Connected Product or Internet Product, contrasts the different product categories.
Listen (or read the transcript) to Bruce Sinclair’s opening keynote address at IoT Tech Expo North America 2016 about the differences between, smart and connected and Internet products ...

Big data analytics is generally answering questions about the past, whereas streaming analytics answers questions about the present. But what if you could bring the two together and answer questions about the present based on what happened in the past?
Watch this video (or read this transcript) to see Eric Tran-Le discuss a state of the art analytics ...

Episode 68

An Internet, or Internet of Things product is complex. In fact, it’s not a product at all but a nested system of systems. The sheer number of technology and business issues to consider at the start can overwhelm even the best trained and most experienced manager.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) where I speak with Daniel Elizalde about his IoT Decision Framework and how to use it to tame even the most complex of Internet products ...