03 Dec An Ethical Hacker’s Top 5 Security Issues in IoT
Episode 36
Basic IT security principles may be old school but they are still relevant in the new realm of IoT security. Case in point, Paul’s top 3 of top 5 IoT security issues:
- Lack of security by design
- Web security
- Basic cryptography principles
- Management support
- Customer demand
… are as old as the hills. And being technical problems with known solutions, there are no excuses. The last two however are new and intrinsically related. I’m often asked, what is it going to take to motivate companies to raise the priority of IoT security. Will it be fear from the doomsday scenario, pressure from government or demand from customers? I’m not sure but maybe it’s just going to be the wisdom that naturally comes with time in the market.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Video:
- Why the security implications are the same but the risks are greater in consumer IoT.
- Why trust in IoT products to have sound security is misplaced.
- Hashing versus encryption explained.
- The problem with management.
- The value of security – hint, It’s less than $2.
Watch this video to see Paul Dant give an ethical hacker’s perspective on the top five issues in Internet of things security and what is easy and not so easy to improve.

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What’s it going to take to raise the priority of IoT security?
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