12 May The Ever Evolving IoT Platform

Episode 18
It’s a heck of a lot easier than it used to be but most IoT projects still involve custom system integration – the question now is how much. Although the definition of an IoT platform, or AEP, is not always clear, what is clear is that using a platform saves a lot of time and a lot of system integration work. There may be legitimate reasons to develop your own platform in house but by definition, this means you become a software company – big time. In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Bryan Kester to get his take on what an IoT platform is, the technologies involved and a candid view on the strengths and weaknesses of IoT platforms today.
In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Bryan Kester to get his take on what an IoT platform is, the technologies involved and a candid view on the strengths and weaknesses of IoT platforms today.
Bryan is CEO of SeeControl and is responsible for its strategy and operations. His background is sales, investing and consulting and he has over a decade of experience in the Internet of Things and M2M markets.
IoT platforms have evolved from simply capturing and parking sensor data to producing an application to enable data science. We may not always agree on what a platform is but we do agree on what it isn’t: IoT hardware, backhaul connectivity and the glue between the operational tech (OT) and the information tech (IT). The good news is hardware is becoming smarter (more abstracted), reducing and sometimes eliminating the glue and connectivity is evolving to be more cost effective in most IoT use cases.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- What is and is not included in an IoT platform
- How the definition of an IoT platform has changed over the last few years
- Typically an IoT platform has ended where IT ended and OT began, but this has been changing
- Why newer IoT networking devices and sensors are reducing the dependency on system integrators
- Where system integration comes into play
- Why most IoT products change their focus
- How analysis paralysis takes down many an IoT project
- Two situations when it may not make sense to use an IoT platform
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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