25 Aug The GDPR – Defining the Future of IoT Data Privacy

Episode 90
The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is coming – whether we like it or not. Before you dismiss it as a European thing, take a second look, because on May 25, 2018, data privacy is going to change worldwide and forever. The EU is stepping up and leading the world in defining the future of data privacy. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Rosie Burbidge about the GDPR, why it’s consequential and why it’s going to affect you.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Rosie Burbidge about the GDPR, why it’s consequential and why it’s going to affect you.
Rosie is a senior intellectual property lawyer at the London law firm, Fox Williams. She specialises in the protection and commercialization of different types of media including data and design – both of which are relevant to IoT.
The EU already has the most stringent data privacy regulations in the world and now they’re going to get even tougher. While the US has taken a quasi-government-business approach, hoping for self-regulation, the EU, as can be expected, is taking a pan-EU hands-on approach. Setting the rules for not only all member states, but for all companies worldwide that have products that interact with its citizens. By setting clear definitions, requirements and consequences, all governments worldwide will be forced to react. Where does this leave your company? If your product is used or is going to be used by Europeans, your company is obliged to follow the GDPR or risk the consequences.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The reasons why the EU has the strictest data privacy regulations.
- Overcoming data surrender regrets.
- Why the impact of the GDPR will be global.
- Details you need to know to comply with the GDPR.
- The data privacy rights of EU citizens.
- How the fines are levied.
- What you should do now, leading up to the GDPR.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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