16 Apr Get a Plan – the First Step in IoT Security
Episode 22
Internet of Things enterprise security needs to be approached holistically across the IoT cloud, network and end devices. Make security part of the plan from the start of the project. Divide responsibilities among the internal team and external partners and hold everyone accountable. Just a few pieces of advice from this video.
Cloud security is usually handled by your provider but the meta attack surfaces under your control are the network, where segmentation plays a huge role, and the end points, or sensors arrays, that require physical security as well as cyber security. Points of where protocols change represent vulnerabilities for man-in-the-middle attacks and of course encryption is always a best practice.
Watch this video to hear Justin Buchanan’s top 3 enterprise security risks today.

Find out more about Cisco IoT at, http://www.cisco.com/web/solutions/trends/iot/overview.html
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