23 Sep How to Tame IoT’s Frankenstein-like Security Monster Part 2

Episode 30
It’s difficult enough to manage network security or web security or application security or mobile security but when they all come together you have the Frankenstein-like monster called IoT security. And when they all come together you have the unique challenges of security system security too – welcome to IoT. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with Daniel Miessler about the top security risks facing IoT and how to mitigate them. This is part two of a two part interview.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Daniel Miessler about the top security risks facing IoT and how to mitigate them. This is part two of a two part interview.
Daniel is the Principal Architect with HP Fortify and has over 15 years of information security experience across the network, web, mobile, and IoT spaces. In the last 10 years his specialty has been in penetration testing. His current focus is on standardizing security testing for IoT, and he is the creator and leader of the OWASP IoT Project.
The fear mongering that we read in the press about IoT security is disturbing. I understand it’s important as click bait and yes, it may get bad or even really bad, but as with everything we will overcome these challenges and as with all other types of computing security, we’ll tame and manage it. It’ll never be completely under control but that’s the nature of this cat and mouse game that’s part of our reality. Listen to this interview for a sobering but sober take on IoT security.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How the business side of the house needs to drive privacy.
- The insecurity of network services.
- The interdependencies of IoT system security.
- The importance of having a security standard.
- Predictions for what will need to happen to get more people concerned about security.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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