19 Aug Descriptive Analytics – Discovering the Story behind the Data

Episode 27
Descriptive analytics is nothing new, however IoT is applying evolutionary forces to make it adapt to unstructured sensor data and evolve into a mechanism of discovery rather than report generation. Tools that blend traditional business intelligence, analytical modeling and visualization now help data scientists discover the story behind the data which can lead to valuable insights for the enterprise. In this episode of the IoT business show, I speak with Dave Rubal about how to apply descriptive analytics to your Internet of Things.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Dave Rubal about how to apply descriptive analytics to your Internet of Things.
Dave is the Director of U.S. Federal Systems Engineering at Blue Coat Systems. He has over 35 years of experience in telecom, networking, security, data science and analytics. Although his current focus is on cyber security, in this episode we talk analytics and in particular, descriptive analytics.
IoT descriptive analytics takes into account dynamic data, both in structure and velocity and uses machine and human intelligence to discern what’s happening. Machines are great at mathematically quantifying IoT data in the form of models that in turn can be used in predictive and prescriptive analytics. Humans are great at qualifying IoT data by observing and interacting with visualizations to find patterns in ways no machine can today. Together they discover the story behind the data.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Using analytics to help in network security mitigation and forensics
- Why big data in IoT is often just a bunch of small data piled up
- The critical importance of metadata
- The impact of intermittent data from sensor networks on analytics
- The key role of geotagging for visualization
- The major considerations of choosing a descriptive analytics package
- The difference between business intelligence and business analytics
- The new podcast, Pivot
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
- Dave’s Twitter handle: @daverubal
- Blue Coat’s Federal Blueprint blog
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