19 Dec Sensors from the Inside Out and the Outside In – 1

Episode 4
No matter how we define sensor, we are a long way from a plug and play world. Except for the most rudimentary forms of sensing, you must be prepared to go custom-built. And if that’s the case you must have an understanding of the connected sensor and the build-buy decision. These two paths are a different business journeys with different costs to consider. In this episode of the IoT Inc Business Show, I discuss this with Scott Nelson who takes us on a deep dive into the connected sensor to understand the economics involved and the questions to ask during the sensor definition stage.
Scott Nelson takes us on a deep dive into the connected sensor to understand the economics involved and the questions to ask during the sensor definition stage.
Scott is Logic PD’s CTO and Executive Vice President. He has over 25 years of technology and product experience across a variety of industries. Over the last 10 years, Scott has been helping to define and develop Logic PD’s connected device offerings – and has experience in delivering solutions from design and engineering all the way through manufacturing and aftermarket services.
Sensors can cost anywhere from 50 cents to a few thousand dollars, or do they? It depends on your definition of sensor and in IoT that definition is changing. Today we include the components that sense (transducer) and convert the raw data into something meaningful plus the components that communicate what’s meaningful to the network or IoT platform. And in some cases the connected product is the sensor since that’s its main purpose.
This is part 1 of my interview with Scott. Part 2 continues to discuss sensor deployment considerations, standardization, risks, security, and future trends.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How a product integrator differs from a system integrator
- Why the value of IoT is at the edges
- All the variables that affect the cost of a sensor
- Factors involved in the build or buy decision
- Logic PD’s buy versus build percentage breakdown for sensors
- How much sensors cost and the sensor cost histogram
- Cost differential for making a product a connected product
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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