05 May More like an Experience than a Piece of Hardware

Episode 17
Because of the technology and data available, the biggest and most interesting challenge in designing an IoT product is to make it feel more like a service or experience, than a piece of hardware. Only after you understand the customer and what the opportunities really are can product design begin. In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Gordon Hui to get an uber designer’s perspective on how to find that ideal product experience and the business that must be developed to support it.
In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Gordon Hui to get an uber designer’s perspective on how to find that ideal product experience and the business that must be developed to support it.
Gordon is Vice-President of Strategy at Smart Design – a design consulting firm that builds IoT products for B2C and B2B companies. With over a decade of experience, he has deep expertise in designing new services and exploring new technologies. Gordon is also a frequent writer and presenter on the Internet of Things, and his perspectives can be found online at Harvard Business Review and Fast Company.
Before jumping into the design process, every company must be introspective and honestly assess at which stage of the IoT product journey they’re on and what skill sets they need to acquire, internally or externally, to get to a first pilot. Most important is focusing on the customer need and then layering on the IoT tech and data it provides in a subtle way to create an exceptional experience that meets and exceeds their needs with such disproportionate value that choosing your product over the competition’s is a simple logical and emotional decision.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The common theme of disruption – companies either want to disrupt or avoid being disrupted
- What the IoT product team should look like and how it should grow
- Steps in designing your IoT product
- The battle is creating the product, the war is making it a business
- The designer’s view of IoT technology
- How to use data as part of the design process
- Best practices in IoT product design
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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