24 Mar The IIC – Because the Industrial Internet is Bigger than Any One Company

Episode 12
No one company is big enough to provide an end-to-end industrial Internet of Things solution. Realizing this, ATT, Cisco, GE, IBM and Intel came together to found the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC). The end game however is not technology, but business – to understand what is needed to put together solutions that not only work well, but sell well. In this episode of the IoT Inc Business Show, I discuss the IIC, with Lynne Canavan, Stephen Mellor and Brian Dalgetty.
In this episode of the IoT Inc Business Show, I discuss the IIC, with Lynne Canavan, Stephen Mellor and Brian Dalgetty.
Lynne is the Industrial Internet Consortium’s Program Director, Stephen is its Chief Technology Officer and Brian is Director of Internet of Things Marketing at IBM and was one of the founding members that helped launch the IIC. The Industrial Internet Consortium is a public-private non-profit organization formed to accelerate the development, adoption and use of interconnected machines, analytics, and people at work. With work being the operative word.
The IIC ecosystem helps companies large and small. By being part of test beds and by networking at meetings, small companies get to rub shoulders with the giants and demonstrate their worth. Large companies see how their solutions mesh in vitro and find smaller companies to fill in the gaps. But all are there to make contacts and form partnerships to advance their business.
There are five main IoT alliances/consortia/groups focused on the Internet of Things and I interview them all. The Internet Protocol for Smart Object (IPSO) Alliance has been around for a while but the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), the Thread group, the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and the Allseen Alliance are relatively new. Depending on your focus, one or more of these organizations and are worth looking into when starting your IoT journey. Listen to this mini podcast series to hear which ones.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Why the Industrial Internet of Things is bigger than any once company, including IBM
- The central importance of test beds and why they are one of the main value propositions of joining the IIC
- How standards requirements are developed
- Although they are not a standards body, find out why their standards requirements will be adopted
- The process the IIC goes through in working with standards bodies and why it is a multi-decade process
- Why big companies join the IIC
- Why small companies join the IIC
- The IIC intellectual property policy
- No certification policy yet, but find out what is envisioned
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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