11 Apr IoT Analytics Best Practices in Process Manufacturing

Episode 79
There are two types of manufacturing: discrete manufacturing where the output is physical, countable things, and process manufacturing, where the output is chemistry – think oil & gas. Process manufacturing has been consistently instrumented for over two decades so it is not surprising that they’re a little ahead of their discrete counterparts on their path to IoT. In this episode of the IoT business show, I speak with Peter Zornio about IoT analytics in process manufacturing, and his advice is applicable to all industries.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Peter Zornio about IoT analytics in process manufacturing, and his advice is applicable to all industries.
Peter is Chief Strategic Officer for Emerson Automation Solutions. He’s responsible for coordinating the tech, products and industry standards across the Automation group. He’s been at Emerson for 10 years and prior to that he was at Honeywell for 20 years.
In process manufacturing it’s all about operational efficiency, and in particular, asset utilization. Reliability is everything in these plants because if a line goes down, it can be a slow process to restart it and get the formulas right – during which time the dollars stop flowing. Recently there has been a trend to outsource non-intellectual property, non-core competency data analytics to increase asset utilization. The best practises discussed in this episode are solid and applicable to any industry.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How analytics is being done today in integrated operations centers for oil and gas.
- The trend to outsource certain analytics functions – data analytics as a service.
- How Emerson is engaging with smaller companies to complete their analytics solution.
- The types of problems being solved with analytics in oil and gas.
- How much of it is tool and how much of it is analyst – it changes over time as data analytics tribal knowledge is codified.
- What types of analytics are being commoditized in oil and gas.
- Why sensors are not going to be commoditized any time soon.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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