11 Mar Communication Layer as a Service for IoT
Episode 17
First, the audio quality for this video is low. Unfortunately the mic was rubbing on Todd’s jacket – I’m still learning. Second, this is a little more “sales-y” than usual but worth watching to understand the PubNub service but to also hear Todd’s views on the demise of the IoT Platform (near the end).
PubNub provides global signalling and data service through a communication layer that utilizes a publish and subscribe architecture. PoPs around the world deliver messages in 30 to 40 milliseconds, assuming a good connection and being within 1,000 miles of one of their 15 global data centers. This abstraction allows for great prototyping and for certain applications, such as in home automation and telematics, a possible long term communication solution. If you are using a publish and subscribe architecture, check it out as a way of getting a fast start on your IoT project.
Watch this video to hear Todd Greene discuss the PubNub service and the future of the IoT stack.

Find out more at Todd’s company’s website http://www.pubnub.com/.
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