23 Jun Hot Rods and IoT Databases Tuned for Analytics

Episode 23
Column-based versus row-based, SQL versus NoSQL and streaming versus batch are three of the most important dimensions to consider choosing your IoT database. But let’s get something clear, databases are two levels of indirection beyond what’s truly important: the IoT information you require. Databases support analytics support information. Having said that, the informed business manager on databases will ask the right questions and set the right priorities during ideation of the IoT product. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Nik Rouda who breaks down the data environments used in IoT today.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Nik Rouda who breaks down the data environments used in IoT today.
Nik is an ESG Senior Analyst covering big data, analytics, business intelligence, databases, and data management and has 20 years of experience in finding IT business solutions.
Similar to the IoT cloud, the IoT database is unlikely to be something your company builds itself. Unless you have both, very unique requirements and an awesome team to build it, rolling your own data environment rarely makes sense. Why? Because it’s not part of your core competency so it doesn’t need to be part of your intellectual property either. Therefore choosing the right database often comes down to analytics requirements for choosing your IoT platform.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Differences between data warehouses and data marts
- Differences between data stores and databases
- Row-based vs. column-based databases
- SQL vs. NoSQL databases
- Streaming vs. batch databases
- When extract, transform and load (ETL) makes sense and when it makes more sense to bring analytics to the data
- When you need to make database copies
- What you need to ask yourself when deciding if you will implement your database structure in-house or use an IoT platform
- The trend toward in-memory databases for streaming analytics
- Can one database/analytics platform handle both data at rest and data in motion?
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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