24 Mar IoT Investing – Where’s the Value Being Generated?

Episode 78
There’s all kinds of opinions about where the value is in IoT. Well, a group that puts their money where their mouths are, are investors. This is a panel discussion where I interview two VCs with similar goals but different approaches. In this episode of the IoT Business Sow I speak with Upal Basu and Jesse DeMesa about what they look for when making an Internet of Things investment.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Upal Basu and Jesse DeMesa about what they look for when making an Internet of Things investment.
Upal is General Partner at Nokia Growth Partners and leads the global Connected Enterprise investing theme, where he focuses on mobile enterprise and Internet of Things investments. Jesse is Principle Partner at Momenta Partners, where he helps activate and accelerate Connected Industry companies across all life-stages.
This podcast was recorded during the 23rd meeting of the IoT Inc Business Meetup in the Silicon Valley. This was an investment panel with two sharp VCs. We had a lively discussion with plenty of Q&A and audience participation.
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