10 Aug IP & IoT – It Just Makes Business Sense

Episode E1
IP rules the Internet, at least the Internet that connects people. Will it dominate the Internet of Things too? There are two endings to this story. In this episode of the IoT Business Show we discuss one such ending with Internet of Things expert, Joachim Lindborg and how his Swedish rationality takes him there. This is encore episode 1, of 4, which originally played in the IPv6 Show podcast.
I speak with Joachim about the benefits of tearing down the technology Silos holding back innovation and holding up costs.
Joachim is an expert in the Internet of Things focused on energy efficiency and visualisations. He’s worked in both large utility companies and small start-ups. He is currently CTO of Sustainable Innovation.
The Internet of Things is an information system of connected physical objects. Getting them to talk to each other is easy – the tech has been around for years. Doing so in a practical way, that is, a cost effective way is where the challenges lie. Today, two of the most expensive components of an Internet of Things deployment is the cost of the network nodes and their integration. Why? Because components are proprietary and each deployment is a one-off system integration play. A key to the growth and proliferation of the Internet of Things is standardizing its building blocks and their language of communication. This will greatly reduce cost but as important it will liberate time and energy better spent further up the stack. Joachim argues the same Internet Protocol that connects people is being considered for this job but it is not as obvious a winner as you may expect.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Why IP is sometimes referred to as the Integration Protocol
- The problems of gateways getting in the way
- Where we are in the holy war of proprietary vs. open standards
- What prevents IPv6 from being the clear winner today
- How Zigbee and Z-Wave fit into the picture but the big difference between them
- CWill middleware API’s save the day?
- Why Joachim thinks IPv6 is the main driver of the IoT
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
- Eshelon’s LonWorks was supposed to be the standard but it was proprietary
- 6LoWPAN is IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks is not referred to as 6Lo to broaden its scope
- RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Networks
- IoT networking alliances: ZigBee and Z-Wave
- Joachim’s company SUST
- Sustainable Innovation’s Twitter
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