26 May The IoT Platform – Abstraction from Metal to Cloud

Episode 20
To go beyond connectivity, the IoT Platform must abstract all components of the Internet of Things product or environment into a form that can be computed and interfaced with the app, model and analytics. I call this the software-defined product, or in the case of home automation, the software-defined home. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I discuss the IoT Platform with Jim Hunter and the importance of abstraction – from the metal to the cloud.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I discuss the IoT Platform with Jim Hunter and the importance of abstraction – from the metal to the cloud.
Jim is the Chief Scientist and Technology Evangelist for Greenwave Systems, overseeing the technology and architecture of the AXON platform. Jim has a passion for all things control and has been active in the IoT space for over 23 years during which he founded and sold several companies in the space.
In an IoT environment like home automation, the IoT Platform must abstract objects, e.g. a desk lamp, into a high enough level that their physical counterpart can be swapped in and out but more importantly, so they can be integrated into a system that’s controlled by logic and not bound to the physical hardware (thing.) This system is the app so key to any IoT Platform is how the app to be developed and deployed.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How a good IoT Platform acts like the UN
- Viewing IoT data as content and why a content management system is important
- The power of abstraction in an IoT Platform
- The seven components that make up an IoT Platform
- Non-financial costs to consider
- The typical IoT Platform business model
- Differences between a verb-based query system and a noun-based query system
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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