07 Apr IoT Platform Security, Sensors and Analytics

Episode 14
After going through each of the major consortia, we are heading back to tech, but not as deep a dive as usual. Having left the edge behind, we are now moving on to the network fabric that holds everything together. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, we talk about some of the most important issues surrounding IoT Platforms today.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, we talk about some of the most important issues surrounding IoT Platforms today.
When buying or developing an IoT Platform you need to prioritize your resources, both in time and in money and everything is a trade-off. Do you want more security or more cool features? Do you want better analytics or more sensors? As was mentioned in this episode, even the military has a budget when it comes to security and works within it. An important takeaway is to make build or buy decisions that don’t prevent you from going back, once deployed, to upgrade the security and analytics choices made along the way.
Like episodes 8 and 11, this show was recorded at the gogoNET LIVE 5 conference a few months back during the panel discussion, Top 5 issues in Network Platforms today. We ran out of time after three but that’s ok, we’ve already discussed APIs and standards in depth. In this show I discuss IoT Platform security, sensor compatibility and analytics compatibility with Bryan Kester of SeeControl, Steve Jennis of PrismTech, Justin Buchanan of Cisco and Brandon Harris of Electric Imp.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Some of the security differences between IT and IoT and why IoT can sometimes be easier
- Everything has a price including security and despite it being at the top of customer concerns, it’s not the top priority
- Why sensors should not drive system design decisions
- Why analytics decisions need to be driven by use-cases
- What’s coming up for the system integration channel
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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