28 Jan Podcast Guide to the First 40 Episodes – Part 1

Episode 40
This show is going to be a little different than the 43 that preceded it. In this episode of the IoT business show I’m going to discuss and analyse each episode to date, in an effort to guide you to the episodes that match your interests or where you are in your research into IoT.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I’m going to discuss and analyse each episode to date, in an effort to guide you to the episodes that match your interests or where you are in your research into IoT.
There’s a lot of material, in fact, over 40 hours of Internet of Things splendor so if you’re new to the show this will help you choose where to get started. If you’ve been listening for a while, it will serve as a reminder of the episodes you may want to go back and revisit. This is part one of two episodes. In this episode I cover the first 24 shows.
Now remember, all episodes, including this one, are transcribed on www.iot-inc.com giving you a different way to consume them. So if you hear anything here of interest, go to the transcription to find out what you need – it’s a lot easier than scrolling your way through the audio file.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Adding Connected Sensors to your Product for IoT with Adam Justice, Vice President and General Manager of Grid Connect
- Unravelling the Complexity of Connecting Embedded Sensors in IoT with Mark Wright, Director of Product Management at Ayla Networks
- The Connected Sensor – What it is and how it Scales with Mike Fahrion, Director of Product Management at B&B Electronics
- Sensors from the Inside Out and the Outside In – Part 1 with Scott Nelson, CTO and Executive Vice President of Logic PD
- Sensors from the Inside Out and the Outside In – Part 2 with Scott Nelson, CTO and Executive Vice President of Logic PD
- From Embedded Operating Systems to Software Ecosystems with Zach Shelby, VP of Marketing for Internet of Things at ARM
- Network Protocols like Lego with Michael Richardson, President at Sandelman Software Works
- Top 5 Application Protocols in IoT Today – Panel
- The OIC – Toward a Broad and Bold Interconnected Vision with Guy Martin of the Open Interconnect Consortium
- The Thread Group – Putting Complex Tech into Everyday Devices with Skip Ashton of the Thread Group
- A Symbiotic Partnership between Standards Bodies and Consortia with – Panel
- The IIC – Because the Industrial Internet is Bigger than Any One Company with the Industrial Internet Consortium
- The AllSeen Alliance – Not Homebound for Long with Philip Des Autels of the AllSeen Alliance
- IoT Platform Security, Sensors and Analytics – Panel
- The Importance of the IoT Proof of Concept Wow Factor with Asaf Sadowski, CEO of Spicebox Labs
- Top-down Design with Bottom-up IoT Tech with Erik Ljung, Chief Technology Officer at Room 5
- More like an Experience than a Piece of Hardware with Gordon Hui, Vice-President of Strategy at Smart Design
- The Ever Evolving IoT Platform with Bryan Kester, CEO of SeeControl
- Nailing the Amorphous IoT Platform to the Wall with Sean Lorenz, Director of IoT Market Strategy for Xively at LogMeIn
- The IoT Platform – Abstraction from Metal to Cloud with Jim Hunter, Chief Scientist and Technology Evangelist at Greenwave Systems
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