28 Oct Tough and Tougher: IoT Security and Privacy

Episode 33
The more I dig into it, the more I’m convinced that privacy is a bigger issue than security in IoT. Don’t get me wrong, the challenges facing IoT security are huge and in many cases, unchartered but, we’ll figure them out. Why? Because we’re good at figuring out tech. What’s going to be more challenging is teasing out the rules of engagement from the tangled web of IoT privacy. This involves people, companies, special interests and the law – much more difficult and with huge business implications. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with privacy philosopher Justin Klein Keane about the challenges we face and some mental frameworks in which to consider them.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with privacy philosopher Justin Klein Keane about the challenges we face and some mental frameworks in which to consider them.
Justin is Security Architect at ThingWorx, which is now part of the PTC business. He has 20 years of information security experience and holds a Master’s degree in Computers and Information Technology from the University of Pennsylvania. Justin is a trained programmer and as such, approaches security from a developer’s perspective.
We barely have our arms around the one human to one machine paradigm when it comes to information privacy. Now take out the human-machine UI and multiply the number of humans and number of machines by n and you have a dizzying array of privacy combinations that are hard enough to count, let alone build policies around. Due to the unintended consequences a breach can have, risk goes through the roof. This means we need more business folks and dare I say, more lawyers around the table when designing security and the accompanying privacy policies.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Differentiators that make IoT security fundamentally different in terms of paradigm and challenges from traditional security.
- Why finding IoT security resources have been so difficult and a few good place to start.
- The biggest differences between consumer and commercial privacy issues.
- How privacy concerns are slowing down adoption.
- Lessons to be learned from medical device manufacturers and NASA.
- How product autonomy in IoT breaks down traditional security mechanisms like username and password.
- How a tire senor data breach can be similar to the Ashley Madison breach.
- Good news about IoT security and how to use the nature of the beast to your advantage.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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