13 May My Opening Keynote at Internet of Things World 2016

Episode 53
Listen to this episode with Bruce Sinclair which is a recording of his opening keynote address at Internet of Things World 2016. With pundit projections in the billions of devices and trillions of dollars, these are heady times for IoT. But there are challenges – big challenges in our way. This keynote presents how we get from where we are today to an outcome-based economy, realizing the business promise of IoT.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- My most interesting client and how we are building a better mousetrap… literally!
- The necessary shift from smart to connected to IoT products and their differences.
- The incremental value of IoT and where it comes from.
- The challenges we need to overcome to realize the true potential of IoT.
- Taking the value perspective.
- How we get there and what exactly is an outcome-based economy.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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