25 Nov IoT Design – Nerding out with a Good View

Episode 35
It’s one thing to be in a kickstarter–fueled start up developing your IoT product and quite another to be doing it within a structured corporate environment. Things get in the way. Priorities, personalities, politics and executive management. The same work needs to be done but other considerations need to be taken into account. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with Jake Fields about his experience in working with IoT teams within the enterprise environment and the development steps to take to successfully make it through to the other side.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Jake Fields about his experience in working with IoT teams within the enterprise environment and the development steps to take to successfully make it through to the other side.
Jake is the Founder and CEO of Treeline Interactive, a San Diego-based firm that specializes in development for the Internet of Things, mobile apps, location-based services, telematics and BLE.
It’s not that something different has to happen. Going from concept -> ideation -> proof of concept -> prototype -> minimal viable product still involves the same pre-production development steps, it’s just important to keep certain best practices in mind when working within an environment with competing goals and motivations.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Difference between a connected product and an IoT product.
- The how and who and what to speed up the development process in the enterprise environment.
- The development steps Treeline takes to get to production.
- The importance of putting the product in the hands of users and testers early.
- Strategies for how to speed up hardware design.
- On utilizing platforms and frameworks during pre-production.
- Typical pre-production budgets and timelines.
- Getting from pre-production to production.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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