29 Apr On Using Agile Development for IoT

Episode 121
Every IoT product, system or environment I’ve worked on has pivoted. And I don’t mean slight pivots, I’m talking 180 degrees or more. Why? Because the Internet of Things is new. New to the product builder and new to their customers. Because of this newness and the planning fallacy, it’s important to take a highly iterative approach to development. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Jeff McGehee about agile development and how to use it most effectively when building a new IoT product.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Jeff McGehee about agile development and how to use it most effectively when building a new IoT product.
Jeff is the IoT Practice Lead at Very, where he is responsible for defining the engineering processes for IoT hardware and software development. He holds an MS in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science and has been leveraging computation to solve problems in the physical world for almost 10 years.
One of my mentors was Frank Robinson. Besides coining the term MVP, or minimally viable product, he also introduced me to the concept of product validation: design – sell – build. I’ve practiced this form of product validation my entire career when developing new products. Never has it been more valuable to me than when launching new IoT products because not only are the products new but so is the market and how the tech is put together.
Agile development perfectly fits the product validation methodology. Meant to be cycled through at each stage of the development cycle, “agile build” is better suited than, “waterfall build” when taking the small iterative steps required to develop a successful IoT product.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- The digital twin
- What agile development is and why it’s important.
- Agile development terminology.
- The “planning fallacy” and why it’s pertinent to IoT.
- My favorite analogy to contrast the agile vs. waterfall method.
- Why agile is particularly aligned with IoT development.
- The important concept that production ready doesn’t mean feature complete.
- Tips and best practices for hiring a development partner.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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