16 Mar Podcast Guide to the last 60 Episodes Part 1

Episode 100
So, what have we learned so far? In this 100th and 101st episode of the IoT Business Show I look back and give you my unfiltered take on the last 60 episodes. I’ll cover, what I learned, how it fits into the big picture and who would benefit from listening to the episode again or for the first time. Think of it as a cliff notes or a reader’s digest summary of the last 60 hours of interview goodness in under two hours. The signal to noise ratio is high so take a listen, it’ll be worth your time.
In this 100th and 101st episode of the IoT Business Show I look back and give you my unfiltered take on the last 60 episodes.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Legal by Design – Being IoT Lawful from the Start with Mark Radcliffe, senior partner, DLA Piper
- The Existential Threat to the Mobile Industry in IoT with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- IoT Regulations and the Information Security Program with John Ansbach, General Counsel, General Datatech
- What’s New? Slashing Forecasts, the DIGIT Bill and the MQTT ISO Standard with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- The IoT Playbook – Schneider Electric is all In with Prith Banerjee, EVP and CTO, Schneider Electric
- IoT Ecosystems – the Business Counterpart to Platforms with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- SME All Star – How to Develop an IoT Business around Data with Christian Shaffer, Director of Customer Success, All Traffic Solutions
- Data Analytics – Step 2 in IoT Deployments… and that’s OK with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- Bright Eyes – There’s an IoT Fog along the Horizon with the OpenFog Consortium
- IoT Standards – What do you Mean? with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- The Accelerator as the First Internet of Things Ecosystem with TechrIoT
- My Opening Keynote at Internet of Things World 2016 with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- New Business Models in Consumer IoT are still Solidifying with Nate Williams, Chief Revenue Officer, August Home
- Data or Dollars? What’s going to Pay for Consumer IoT? with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- IoT Security Assessment – Black Hat, White Hat or Gray? with Paul Jauregui, VP of Marketing, Praetorian
- Driverless Cars – How IoT Cars Work and Why They’re Coming Fast with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- Horizontal IoT Data and the Internet of Things Platform with Nigel Upton, Director & General Manager of IoT solutions, HP Enterprise
- Smart Homes and the IoT Ethos of the Jetsons with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- Raising the IQ of San Francisco with Pervasive Smart City Networks with Miguel Gamiño, San Francisco’s former CIO
- KISSing Dumb Smart Products with Bruce Sinclair, President, Iot-Inc
- Privacy by Design in the Internet of Things with Paul Plofchan, VP of Government Affairs and Chief Privacy Officer, ADT
- IoT Security – the Security Development Lifecycle Way with Chris Romeo, Chief Executive Officer at Security Journey
- IIoT Manufacturing From the Shop Floor to the Top Floor with Tanja Rueckert, EVP of the IoT business unit at SAP
- Open Source IoT Platforms – Ready for Primetime? with Hans Scharler, creator of ThingSpeak
- IoT-Retail Tech Converging Offline-Online Shopping with Oleg Puzanov, CEO and Co-Founder of the IoT startup, Leantegra
- Opening Soon – Commercial Data Marketplaces for IoT with David Knight, Founder and CEO/CTO of Terbine
- Product Management for the Internet of Things with Daniel Elizaldo of Techproductmanagement.com
- Bruce Sinclair’s Opening Keynote at IoT Tech Expo 2016
- Panel: Creating Value from Connected Things – Panel
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