26 Feb Telling Stories of Value with IoT Data Visualization
Episode 40
Visualizing IoT big data is as much an art as it is a science. The palette is underlying algorithms and the exterior is color and texture mapping. Images aren’t static – they are interacted with in 3D or animated as a movie. The result is a science-based art form designed to convey information or present a story where the human mind can discover hidden value invisible to the algorithm. As a subset of descriptive analytics, it is another tool for the data scientist, subject matter expert or executive to extract value form the numbers coming from IoT sensors and data services.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Video:
- The steps taken when to do IoT data visualization.
- Telling a story with time series based data.
- IoT data visualization tools and technologies.
- The evils of beating the data until it tells the story you want.
Watch this video to see Barend Botha paint a picture of how to use data visualization to uncover hidden value in big Internet of Things data sets.

Find out more about data visualization for the Internet of Things at, www.iotdataviz.com
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