Law Tag

Episode 44

If your company is collecting data, and every IoT company collects data, it needs a formal “Information Security Program”. We’ve talked risk assessment in the past, that is the process of assigning liability to each potential security breach, but that’s only part of the program.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) I speak with John Ansbach about the rest of the “Information Security Program”, impending regulation and privacy concerns ...

Episode 42

The business counterpart to IoT security is risk, loosely defined as probability times liability. The current narrative around liability is centered on privacy but it turns out that laws, regulations and cyber security in general are some of the other elements in the IoT liability matrix.
Listen to this podcast (or read the transcript) I speak with Mark Radcliffe about the current IoT legal framework and the potential liabilities to address early on in the IoT product development cycle ...