14 Jul The Digital Twin and its Relationship to the AEP IoT Platform

Episode 86
The IoT platform is generally thought of as networking tech – middleware to connect all the IoT components together – and often it is, but a certain class of platforms, the so-called, application enablement platforms, or AEPs, also provide the development and execution environment for the digital twin. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, the third in a series on the digital twin, I speak with Jason Schern and Jeff Miller about the dt and its relationship to the AEP.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, the third in a series on the digital twin, I speak with Jason Schern and Jeff Miller about the dt and its relationship to the AEP.
Jason is Senior Vice President of the IoT Platform Practice in Customer Success and Jeff is Vice President of the IoT Transformation Advisory Practice. Combined, they have over 45 years of experience.
The software-defined product, or digital twin, is a simulation of a physical product, system or environment. It’s defined by dynamic raw data and contextual information. It’s represented by living models that are used by analytics and executed applications and it’s orchestrated by the AEP IoT platform to work with other digital twins and their physical counterparts as well as with other systems, services and behaviors.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Expanding data sources to external systems increase the fidelity of the digital twin.
- An extended definition of the digital twin.
- The role of outcomes in developing the dt.
- The role of rules, behaviors and services in the execution plane of the AEP.
- How to share digital twins between IoT platforms.
- The outbound communications of the dt.
- The platform as the way to define and lifecycle manage the digital twin.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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