04 Aug The Emergence of the IoT Cognitive Digital Twin

Episode 88
We’ve discussed the digital twin at length but what is the cognitive digital twin? Is it possible to develop cognitive computing models with our data to endow our digital twin with artificial intelligence? The answer is yes, and in this episode of the IoT Business show I speak with Dr. Ahmed El Adl about how this is done and the situations where an AI approach to reaching insights may be better than an analytics approach.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Dr. Ahmed El Adl about how this is done and the situations where an AI approach to reaching insights may be better than an analytics approach.
Ahmed is the Chief Technologist of the Accenture Global Artificial Intelligence Council for resources industries. His focus is leveraging AI, ML and the industrial Internet of Things to create intelligent solutions for asset-rich industries like Energy, Utilities, Chemical and Natural resources.
The digital twin consists of the physical twin’s data and the models we use in place of the raw data for computing purposes. Until now, most of the narrative has been around using data to develop analytics models and then applying data analytics to these models to discover insights. However, there may be advantages to using the same data to develop cognitive models and then using various forms of AI on the cognitive models to discover different insights or the same insights more accurately. The lesson here is to work top-down to define the business problems and then decide which problems are best solved with analytics and which, if any, are best solved with Artificial Intelligence. This will define the data structure of the digital twin, which in turn defines the data science and cognitive computing data structures.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Cyber-physical systems and machine to machine were first generation; digital twins and IoT are second generation.
- The difference between the DT and a simulation environment.
- The digital twin will be a companion to its physical twin over their entire lifecycle and then is reincarnated.
- Filtering data by using it to inform the cognitive model and then discarding it.
- Why cognitive computing is not a replacement for analytics.
- Swarm intelligence and the cognitive digital twin.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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