01 Sep The GDPR is Coming Fast – What Should You Do First?

Episode 91
The thing about the GDPR, whether we like it or not, is that it’s forcing us to do the right things when it comes to sensitive data in IoT. While there’s certainly a burden to bear, following its regulations on subject’s rights is a guide book on the right way to handle consumer privacy. So use its introduction as a reason to catapult this part of your business forward. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Chris Perram about the first steps to compliance and how to take them.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Chris Perram about the first steps to compliance and how to take them.
Chris is founder and CEO of FileFacets. He has provided information governance solutions to the largest companies and governments for over 10 years as a consultant before pivoting his company to FileFacets in 2015. Today, GDPR compliance is a big focus.
There will be a certain amount of enforcement wiggle room when the fateful date arrives. As long as your company demonstrates a deliberate and logical strategy for how it will handle personally identifiable information (PII), you should be fine. And the good news is, steps like taking a data inventory and devising processes and procedures to comply, are what your company needs to do anyway. However, will you be completely compliant by May 25, 2018? Completely complying and not starting at all both present their own risks, so most managers will choose somewhere in between with a plan to completely comply in the future.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Content management systems.
- The evolution from records management to information governance.
- The three kinds of meta data in information governance.
- The ripple effect of the GDPR on other countries.
- Europe’s Data Protection Directive (DPD) precursor to the GDPR.
- Opinions on the early enforcement of the General Data Privacy Regulations.
- First steps to take and best practices to follow to GDPR compliance.
- The four subject rights dictated by the GDPR.
- Types of tools and solutions available to implement the GDPR.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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