27 Dec Top 3 Security Issues in Infrastructure IoT
Episode 51
When we’re talking about infrastructure IoT, such as airports, mass transit, pipelines and electric grids, the biggest IoT cybersecurity issue is passiveness – not being proactive enough with your infrastructure’s ongoing cybersecurity needs.
It’s not that the IT and OT personnel don’t care, they’re just swamped with other work and if cybersecurity isn’t causing any obvious problems, they don’t have extra time to look for problems – out of sight, out of mind. But security can never be neglected. Stuart’s top 3 list of cybersecurity issues in infrastructure IoT are:
- Have someone directly responsible.
- Assure you are proactive in addressing cybersecurity.
- Understand and communicate the risks associated with being breached.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Video:
- What a cybersecurity consequence-based assessment is.
- Why you must do security assessments differently in industrial control systems.
- When outsourcing your IoT cybersecurity needs makes sense.
- The top 3 industrial IoT cybersecurity issues explained.
- Why out of sight and out of mind, can drive you out of your mind.
Watch this video to see Stuart Phillips discuss each of the top 3 cybersecurity issues in infrastructure IoT.

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