20 Feb Top 5 Application Protocols in IoT Today

Episode 8
OK, I admit it, this is going to be a bit of a geekfest but application protocols are an important topic to understand if you want to understand how IoT works. Protocols are the lifeblood of an IoT system and as we are about to find out, there are a few different types to choose from – each with their own characteristics and infrastructure requirements.
In this episode of the IoT Business show, we discuss CoAP, XMPP, RESTful HTTP, MQTT and DDS and our panelists are: Steve Jennis, Dev Bhattacharya, Carsten Bormann and Michael Richardson.
This podcast is a little different than our typical format. It was recorded at the gogoNET LIVE! 5 conference, this past November, during the Panel Discussion: Top 5 Application Protocols in IoT Today. We discuss CoAP, XMPP, RESTful HTTP, MQTT and DDS and our panelists are: Steve Jennis, Dev Bhattacharya, Carsten Bormann and Michael Richardson.
And yes, this is another technical episode, in fact, it’s a deep dive. Bear with me, we still have a number of techy podcasts to go but you’ll appreciate your understanding once we get to the business side of the house.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- OK to have different application protocols because they each have different characteristics.
- For real-time, DDS is the right protocol (or system is a better description) but it carries with it robust infrastructure requirements.
- There are two types of protocols: data centric vs. message (or event) centric.
- Look at the heritage of each protocol before choosing it – will provide a good understanding of its character
- Multiple protocols will exist so we will need to translate between them. When you choose your main protocol, choose one that carries information with it, as well as the data, so it can be converted without loss
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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