21 Apr Top-down Design with Bottom-up IoT Tech

Episode 16
When starting down the path toward your IoT product, it’s tempting to jump into the tech and get started with your PoC… but don’t fall into that trap. Of course there are benefits to getting the minimally viable product out the door but these benefits don’t go away if you back up first and start with a business strategy and defined user experience – in fact they’re accelerated when you have a clear path from the start. In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Erik Ljung about the importance of starting at the top when beginning your product design process.
In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Erik Ljung about the importance of starting at the top when beginning your product design process.
Erik is the Chief Technology Officer at Room 5 and has over 15 years of experience in both software development and professional services. As CTO, he is responsible for the company’s long-term technology and consulting vision for the Internet of Things.
We use the example of the IoT toothbrush to walk through the tech, from connectivity to mobile app to IoT cloud service to analytics and along the way we discover why it’s so important to work on the business strategy first by finding the business model we choose has profound implications on our technology choices and our approach to sales. Listen to this episode to learn from the experience of someone who’s been there before.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Why not starting at the top can cost you unnecessary time and money
- The IoT toothbrush as an example to take us through the technology stack
- The reasons of why getting a minimally viable product out the door is so important
- Why design companies and system integrators are getting more and more similar
- Building a mobile app – you have to have a mobile app!
- Feeding all the business models of the services you use
- The uniqueness of IoT cloud platforms
- Choosing the right analytics tools
- The importance of building a contract vehicle to budget the design
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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