11 Nov Unravelling the Complexity of Connecting Embedded Sensors in IoT

Episode 2
It takes a lot of work, behind the scenes work, to establish a successful connection between sensor and IoT Platform. While it’s possible to find off-the-shelf sensor subsystems for common use-cases, often, custom hardware and software design is needed to make the system/connected product/asset operate as desired. In this episode of the IoT Inc Business Show, I get into it with Mark Wright about the who and the what behind the scenes that need to be involved to make it happen.
I get into it with Mark Wright about the who and the what behind the scenes that need to be involved to make it happen.
Mark is Director of Product Management at Ayla Networks. He has over 20 years of embedded systems experience spanning military, industrial and the consumer product markets. He has been involved in embedded IOT for 8 years and has deployment experience in power, transportation, consumer and home automation.
If you want to build a new connected product or connect assets or an environment to the Internet of Things, start with the sensors. It all starts here. System complexity however is inversely proportional to the maturity of the market, leading us, in the case of IoT, down a twisty road. Mark helps us unravel some of the complexity and in doing so, demonstrates that Plug ‘n’ Play sensors are a thing of the future.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Reasons for when to choose a proprietary IoT protocol.
- Code required on the sensor.
- Different options in fielding the system.
- The significance of maintenance costs.
- How to find the sensors you need.
- How much of sensor selection should be done by the end customer vs. their implementation partners.
- The value of cloud computing versus distributed intelligence?
- The “intelligence factor” – how the distribution of intelligence significantly affects connected product costs. The balance of intelligence between the node, the gateway or the cloud has a big impact.
- Departments in company that should be involved in new connected product design.
- Roles of design houses, System Integrators and IoT Platform providers to make it happen.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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