27 Jan Your IoT Journey – Taking the Right Steps

Episode 74
Let’s face it, deploying IoT within a company, especially a large one, is an exercise in change management. To be successful on this multi-year journey takes a lot of planning, getting your priorities straight, some politicking and a bit of luck. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, learn from your peers. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with Maciej Kranz who shares his experience in what works and what fails miserably.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with Maciej Kranz who shares his experience in what works and what fails miserably.
Maciej is Vice President of Cisco’s Strategic Innovation Group where he leads efforts to incubate new businesses with customers and startups through a global network of Innovation Centers. He has also pioneered dozens of IoT projects across multiple industries and has recently written a book based on his experiences.
Although this is a big tech play, at the core we’re talking business. So picking the right project, and measuring the right KPIs is a critical first step for producing a convincing ROI and minimizing risk. Start small. Success in IoT is built a top may small wins. And ensure it’s a production team doing the work; you don’t what this to be a research project. For success, the team needs to be incented, literally, to deliver the KPIs needed to deliver a winning ROI.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Maciej’s new book.
- Cisco’s observed shift in spending from IT to line of business.
- The steady convergence of OT and IT teams.
- What most large enterprises focus on when starting their IoT journey.
- How to model your IoT ROI.
- The four types of initial IoT projects that win.
- Which industries are spending money on IoT today and which ones are not.
- The elements needed for a successful IoT deployment.
- How important industry verticals are to IoT Platform selection.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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