14 Apr The Importance of the IoT Proof of Concept Wow Factor

Episode 15
Getting an IoT project off the ground isn’t easy. It’s not just about launching a new product based on new technology, it’s the changes the organization must make to reach escape velocity. In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Asaf Sadowski about the importance of creating an IoT proof of concept and the steps involved to get there.
In this episode of the IoT Business show, I speak with Asaf Sadowski about the importance of creating an IoT proof of concept and the steps involved to get there.
Asaf is CEO of Spicebox Labs that provides R&D services to companies developing IoT products. He has over 10 years of project management experience across healthcare and tech, including with hardware manufacturers and developers, software vendors, and service providers.
The PoC serves the purpose of pushing the project and getting internal buy in. There’s nothing like showing the boss a working proof of concept three months after pitching it, to get the support you need to compete with other projects for budget and headcount. But that’s not enough. It doesn’t have to do much, but the one or two things it does do, have to work perfectly. A mobile app, for example, is an easy win that goes a long way.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- How organizations deal with increased customer engagement
- Why it’s a personality trait, not the position in the org chart, that best characterizes employees who bring IoT to their company and why it’s a great career move
- How long it typically takes to complete planning and the surprisingly short time it takes to create the first PoC
- Reasons why it’s best to limit your PoC’s functionality to 1 – 3 items, max
- Budget needed to create a PoC
- Two greatest internal forces that can derail your IoT PoC project
- Why feedback will completely change the product your originally envisioned
- Characteristics of successful IoT PoC projects
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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