23 Dec IoT Preproduction – from Concept to Product Part 1

Episode 37
Alright, let’s talk building an IoT product or system. Time to cycle through concept – ideation – proof of concept – prototype – MVP – product. In this episode of the IoT Business Show, part one of two, I speak with Yuriy Pryadko who shares practical advice on the 6-step journey to manufacturing or deployment. In part one we lay the foundation using an interesting example of an IoT system in the Fitness space, prepping us for episode 2 where we quantify the process.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, part one of two, I speak with Yuriy Pryadko who shares practical advice on the 6-step journey to manufacturing or deployment.
Yuriy is Director of Customer Solutions at Cogniance with experience spanning product and process design, hardware and software development. Before his current position, Yuriy led the Project Management Office, tailoring industry-standard approaches to each customer’s needs.
Each milestone during preproduction presents an opportunity to not only assess the tech but to put the technology in front of customers to hammer it into a product. In parallel we use the same milestones to iterate on the IoT Business Plan hammering it, into a business. We may think we know what the customer wants, but we don’t. If done right, this virtuous cycle will galvanize change – changes in requirements, changes in tech and changes in business direction. To get the most out of these customer touchpoints it’s important to never let a month or two go by without getting feedback from the market.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Why we would all be better if everyone knew a little bit of calculus.
- Working with innovation labs within larger corporations.
- Main differences between working with innovation labs and start-ups.
- Difference between an IoT product and a smart product and a connected product.
- The incredible power of micro services.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
- IoT 1-day Training
- Workshop discount code: iotpodcast16
- Product Management for the Internet of Things
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