09 Dec Standing Up an IoT Pilot in an OT World

Episode 36
Ripping out an existing SCADA system and replacing it with an IoT deployment isn’t going to happen any time soon. Whether it’s an oil pipeline or a water processing plant, the job of the OT guys is to keep things flowin’. Although the writing is on the wall, it’s going to take a lot more than the promise of information nirvana to change existing infrastructure. In this episode of the IoT Business Show I speak with System Integrator Joel Hutton about his experience in applying the thin edge of the wedge to get an IoT pilot going with his clients.
In this episode of the IoT Business Show, I speak with System Integrator Joel Hutton about his experience in applying the thin edge of the wedge to get an IoT pilot going with his clients.
Joel is the Managing Principal for the IoT Practice at System Integrator GDT. Most of his twenty years in tech has been spent in system integration implementing emerging technologies such as IP telephony and cloud computing. In his current role, he is working with existing clients to develop and implement their IoT strategies.
Who do you try to convince? IT guys? No. OT guys? Nope. Here’s the plan: you need to get management on board with the simple stuff first. Everyone can get their heads around operational efficiency; you know that all powerful 1%? Start there. Start simple and start with a minimal upfront investment. Develop a business plan around modest, agreed upon objectives and bide your time while the data piles up. Then, when you’re deep enough in business bits, call in the data scientists to apply the analytics you planned for from the onset and over deliver by demonstrating how IoT can go beyond the bottom line and affect the top line with new services and products revenue streams. Then you’ve realized the true potential of the Internet of Things.
Here’s What We’ll Cover in this Episode
- Typical responses from OT and IT guys when bumping up against IoT.
- The parallels of the OT and PBX markets and what it implies.
- How security concerns are holding back SCADA managers.
- Why IT budgets are shrinking even though tech budgets aren’t .
- Who’s boss, IT or OT?
- Typical timeframe and budget required to get a telematics IoT pilot running for a year.
- How long it typically takes to get data dividends.
- The three reasons why IoT projects fail.
- The importance of the business plan.
Mentioned in this Episode and Other Useful Links
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